In the Community
- Law Director, Bay Village 2018- present
- Planning Commission, Bay Village 2014- 2018
- Charter Review Commission, Bay Village 2012
- Cleveland Academy of Trial Attorneys: President 2007-2008; Officer and Trustee 2000-2008;
- Bay Rockets Association Athletic Boosters; Treasurer; Board of Trustees, 2009-2012;
- Bay Village City Council: Member-At-Large, 2006-2009
- Committees: Finance, Parks and Recreation (Chair), and Planning and Zoning;
- Citizens for Bay Schools Levy Campaign: Co-Chair, 2006;
- Bay Boat Club, Bay Village, Ohio: Trustee, 2004-2007;
- Ad Hoc Citizens Contiguous Property Committee, City of Bay Village: Chair, 2004-2005;
- Citizens for Bay Schools Levy Campaign: Member, 2003;
- Bay Village Recreation Department: Youth Sports Coach, 2002-2006;
- Citizens Advisory Committee for Bay Village School District, 2000-2003;
- Westshore Montessori Association Board of Trustees, 1997-2001
- President, 1999-2001;
- Legal Aid Society of Cleveland: Volunteer Attorney, 1995-present;
- Adult Guardianship Program, Cleveland, Ohio: Volunteer Attorney, 1990-present.