» Motor Vehicle Accident
Motorcyclist seriously injured
A motorcyclist was seriously injured at an intersection by a driver that rolled through a stop sign. The insurance company claimed the motorcyclist was speeding and was difficult for the driver to see. The motorcyclist sustained head trauma and required hospitalization. The case settled for the policy limits of the driver after investigation and negotiation.
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Young Driver
A young driver was injured in an intersection collision. Both drivers claimed to have the green light. The matter was tried to a jury and resulted in a jury verdict in favor of my client, including a verdict for her injuries and damages.
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Multiple Fractures
A client sustained multiple fractures as a result of a motor vehicle accident in which the client was a passenger. The motor vehicle was struck by a tractor-trailer that ran a red light. The client required surgery and a lengthy hospitalization. The case was settled through mediation before a lawsuit was filed.
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